Day 2 of Studio Savvy at Bisque Imports was the meat and potatoes for us. They went over some business finance, de-mystifying some of the business paperwork and some ideas of how to use them better in the morning, and the afternoon was all about the nitty-gritty of firing and kiln maintenance.
Jim Skutt, the president of the company that made our kilns, gave both presentations. He did a bang up job of making profit-and-loss and all that jargon less scary. Then he went on a kiln-nerd level dive on the chemistry of firing, and how it relates to the workings of the kilns. We got a lot of great information we can use in our daily workings, and some questions answered that are going to help us going forward.

The facility is interesting. Historically their building was a yarn factory built to make cotton yarn for soldier's uniforms for WWI. The room we were in was where the cotton bales were "picked" or cleaned before being fed to the next process. It was interesting to see how they used the old building in new ways.
We flew in last night, and today we're back in the studio. Now we get to apply all the stuff we learned.